Preserving your fertility
Age is an important factor when it comes to pregnancy, especially for women, but each person can
contribute to the protection of fertility.
If you are trying to conceive, you can learn how to give yourself the best chance to read through trying to conceive.
You can take steps to help preserve your fertility even if another child what you're thinking at this moment.
The Professor William Ledger, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom to explain the basics.
Age and Fertility
Be of the age of importance when it comes to fertility.
Waiting for a lot of people today are becoming older, even have children. But fertility decreases with the passage of time, and you should take this into consideration if you plan to have children at a later date.
Both women and men have the most fertile periods in the early twenties.
Reduced fertility in women faster with age. This becomes rapid decline after age 35. This was due to a number of reasons, but it is particularly the decline in the quality of the eggs launched by the ovary.
Approximately one-third of couples in which the woman the age of 35 over the age of fertility problems. It rises to two-thirds when women beyond the age of 40 years.
The probability of pregnancy in women who exceeded the age of 35 is also less as a result of fertility treatments (IVF), including IVF, and was more likely to have an abortion if pregnant.
Male fertility decreases gradually from about age 40, but most men can become fathers in the fifties Omaarham or after.
Health and safety of fertility
Other factors also affect fertility. But in some cases you can take the necessary steps to help protect your fertility procedures.
Avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Can types of sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can cause damage to the fallopian tubes in women, which may make conception more difficult. If you think you picked up the infection of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), go to your doctor or a sexual health clinic. Find out more about sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
No smoking
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Access to healthy weight
It can reduce the underweight or overweight your chances of conceiving. One of the causes of infertility is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and is getting worse, overweight or obese this. You can check whether your weight Sahaa by using Hacptna healthy weight.
Keep _khasatek Matdlta heat
It must be a man's testicles to a lesser extent temperature by two degrees or the rest of his body. Can inner tight clothes, washing with hot water and hot baths raise testes temperature.
Avoid radiation and dangerous chemicals
Can exposure to radiation and chemicals such as glycol ester, which is found in some paints, to the detriment of fertility.
Fertility problems
If you are trying to conceive for a year or more by the practice of regular unprotected sex no pregnancy occurs, it is time to see a doctor.
Your doctor can perform tests to determine the potential fertility problems, and can advise on the next steps.
Preserving your fertility
Reviewed by الحدث نيوز

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