Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity -

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a set of behavioral symptoms that include inattention and
                                 hyperactivity, impulsivity. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a      subtype of ADHD.

Common symptoms of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity include:

• a short attention span.

• insomnia or constant fidgeting.

• Ease of dispersion of thought

Can attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity occurs when people with different intellectual abilities. But many people with attention deficit disorder suffer hyperactivity and learning disabilities as well. They may also have additional problems such as sleep disorders.

Tend symptoms of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity of the notes beginning at an early age, and can become more pronounced when the baby changing conditions, such as the beginning of school.

Young children are naturally active and distract their attention easily. But if these symptoms are excessive in relation to the child's age and level of the overall development and affect their daily lives, it refers to attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

Diagnosis of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

The diagnosis of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity usually at the age of 3-7 years, though, that in some cases the diagnosis may not be until later. More commonly diagnosed in boys.

There are several criteria that must be met even when the child is diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity has. Diagnosis in adults, the most difficult because of the lack of a specific set of symptoms that are commensurate with their age.

What causes attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity?

Although the exact cause of the injury disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity is unknown, research shows that it tends to spread in families. Some research has also shown that there may be differences in the way the brain works when people with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

Potential risk factors include:

• be male

• Smoking, alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy

• preterm birth

What the prevalence of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common behavioral disorders. It is estimated that it affects the state of 2-5% of school-age children and youth.

Can have attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity constant state lifetime, and continue symptoms when many children in adolescence and adulthood.

Estimates indicate that more than two out of every three children of people with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity will continue to have symptoms in adolescence. If estimates indicate that two out of every three of these adolescents will show them symptoms as adults.

It is uncertain whether it could have attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity occurs when adults without first appearing in childhood.

The treatment of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

There is no cure for attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, but can be controlled with appropriate educational support and provide advice and support to parents and the individual, and medication if necessary.

It can be to live with a child with attention deficit disorder and hyper activity difficult but it is important to remember that it is unable to control his behavior.

Some of the issues that may arise in everyday life include:

• habitual child to sleep at night

• Access to school on time

• listen and carry out instructions

• social events

• the shopping
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