Chest pain
Chest pain is the pain you feel in your upper body, from the shoulders down to your ribs.
Although chest pain can be a symptom of several different cases, but it is always to be taken seriously as it can be a sign of a heart attack (see below).
It should not be used as information and advice on this page to diagnose self for your condition, but it, will give you an idea of what is causing chest pain and whether you need to see a doctor or seek the help include all possible chest pain causes, but not cover the most common reasons.
When to ask for help
It can be a reason for chest pain pain in the heart if:
• it is provoking pain through physical activity and cured comfortable
• It seems a sharp pain, pressing or severe
• You have other symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, pain spreading to the arm
• you have a risk of developing coronary heart disease factors, such as being a smoker or have high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, high cholesterol or obesity
You could have a heart attack?
If the question of pain through physical activity and disappeared after a few minutes to stop the practice of exercise, it may be angina. Chest pain or tightness of the chest to the left arm may extend, neck and back.
Caused angina for indigestion in blood flow to the heart. This is because the artery or more of the three arteries that supply blood may narrow the heart. Causing pain in the chest because the heart is not getting enough oxygen.
If you have the above symptoms but the pain lasts more than 15-20 minutes, you can be exposed to a heart attack. A heart attack can seem as if the body heavy compressing the chest or press it.
The main differences between angina and heart attack are:
• Angina short, relatively mild, usually caused by physical effort
• continuing discomfort of a heart attack in spite of taking medication (tri-stearate Spray nitrate, which provides instant relief from the symptoms of angina pectoris). Often it occurs at rest or during sleep, which can be severe, accompanied by other symptoms, such as sweating
Ask ambulance immediately if you think you are suffering or anyone else from a heart attack.
Do not worry if you have any doubts about whether a heart attack. Medics prefers to be called only to find that a simple mistake has got to be called up too late to save someone's life.
Common causes of chest pain
Often, no chest pain is caused due to heart-related cases. Common causes of chest pain include:
• gastro-esophageal reflux disease - where the leak stomach acid from the stomach due to the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach)
• tension
• muscle strain
• chest wall pain
It should give you the information below an idea of whether these cases are causing your chest pain.
However, you should always consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and to get advice on how to relieve pain and treat the main reason.
Sadr, who is getting worse when lying down Pain
Sadr can be made worse when lying down as a result of leakage of acid from the stomach into the esophagus pain.
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This common condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal safes usually easily treated by making lifestyle changes and, if necessary, the use of medication.
Read more about the treatment of gastro-esophageal reflux disease.
It is important to realize that associated with heart can happen while lying down sometimes chest pain. For example, angina Alamaddjaah is one of the complications of heart failure, which causes a narrowing of the chest and the feeling is like acupuncture around the heart.
So, you have to go to see a doctor if you have chest pain undue while you are lying.
Chest pain, chest painful to the touch
There are many possible chest pain and chest causes painful to the touch.
It may be the cause of chest pain and pain when pressure on the chest without the presence of swelling due to a muscle strain in the chest wall. This can be painful to a large degree, but with the comfort, you should not hide the pain and the muscle to recover with time.
If you have pain, swelling and pain when pressure around your ribs, you may have a condition called costal cartilage inflammation. This is caused by inflammation in the joints between the cartilage that connects the rib bone sternum (breastbone). You must be improved symptoms after a few weeks.
And chest pain can also result from other problems, such as stress. In addition to making you feel anxious, it can also cause tension physical symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
If your doctor think that the cause of chest pain caused by tension, he will discuss with you the possibility of psychotherapy, counseling and advise request.
Less common causes
In less common cases, it may result in chest pain for one of the conditions described below. See your doctor if you think you have one of these cases.
Pleurisy is inflammation of the double-layered membrane surrounding the lungs. Layers rub against each other, causing severe pain and prickly in the chest when breathing is getting worse.
You can feel at ease from pleurisy by taking the same superficial. The pain can be treated with ibuprofen, while a doctor checks the main cause of pleurisy.
Topical herpes
Topical herpes is an infection of the nerve and the skin around it. Caused by a herpes virus, varicella-zoster, which causes chicken pox, too.
Usually it affects rash positional specific area of herpes either on the right or left side of the body and does not reflect the midline (an imaginary line running from between your eyes, down beyond the belly button).
Mastitis is the pain and swelling caused by infection, usually, more common during breastfeeding.
Antibiotics may be prescribed to help clean up the infection. You may also need to change the way breast-feeding. Your doctor or midwife will be able to advise you on this topic.
Chest pain
Reviewed by الحدث نيوز
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