Avoid foods you give it to your child
the salt
It should not be dealt with infants too much salt because it's not good for the kidneys. Do not add salt to your baby's food and cubes tumble gravy or gravy because they often contain high levels of salt. Remember this when Tthan for the whole family if you intend to offer the same food for your baby.
Your child does not need the sugar. Stsaeidin prevent tooth decay by avoiding junk food and sugary drinks. If necessary Use a mashed banana, breast milk or formula milk to sweeten food.
Sometimes honey contains bacteria that can produce toxins in the intestines of the child, leading to infantile poisoning, a serious illness Jadda.fmn best not to give honey to your child until he becomes a year. Honey is sugar, avoid it will also help to prevent tooth decay.
It should not be given nuts of all kinds, including peanuts, to children under five years of age where they can Echtnqgua them. As long as there is no hereditary food allergy or other sensitivity in your family you can give your child a peanut when he becomes six months as long as they crushed or milled to peanut butter.
Low-fat foods
Fat is an important source of calories and certain vitamins for infants and young children. It is better to deal with infants and young children under the age of full-fat milk, yogurt and cheese instead of a few varieties Dezm.hahidi understanding of food groups to get more information.
Saturated fat
Do not give your child a lot of foods that contain a high percentage of saturated fat, or 'bad', such as fried potato chips, chips, cheap sandwiches and cakes.
Related articles
Understanding food groups
Shark, Meat swordfish and marlin (a type of swordfish)
Do not give your baby shark, swordfish meat or fish marlin. It could be that the amount of mercury in these fish affect the nervous system of your child's growth.
Raw oysters
It could increase the raw oysters from the risk of food poisoning so it is better not to be given to infants.
Eggs can be given to infants over the age of six months, but make sure it is cooked until both the yolk and
egg-white solid.
Avoid foods you give it to your child
Reviewed by الحدث نيوز

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