And cups for children - drinks

Dry foods and milk

Whenever your child to eat more dry food, the less the amount of milk they want to do.

When your child eats a lot of solids several times a day, it takes less milk at each feed or even leaves meal milk altogether.

You should continue Barzaah your child or children to give him milk until it reaches and at least one year of age. Continue breastfeeding Bavadtk you and your child as long as you continue to do so.

Cups and cups

If you are using a bottle, is to provide a cup instead of a bottle of a good idea of ​​the age of six months onwards. When your child Ialeg year, you should stop using bottles with nipples. Otherwise, they may find it difficult to break the habit of a comfortable sucking from a bottle.

Astkhadem will help open a glass or cup allows flow valve without your child learn how to exchange instead of sucking, which is better for their teeth. Sucking is convenient for drinks sweetened biggest cause of tooth decay in young children. If you are using a bottle or cup training, Do not put anything in it except baby formula, breast milk or water.

Choose the cup or glass

It is important to choose the right kind of mugs or cups. Cup with a lid allows flow (without the valve not to leak) is better than a bottle or cup with a nipple. Drinks flowing very slowly through the nipple, which means that children spend a lot of time with his dream of Vmanm.halma your child is ready, Encourage him to move from a glass lid to drink from the cup.


Not all drinks suitable for babies and young children. The following list describes what you give to your child and when.

• Breast milk is the only food or drink that a child needs in the first six months of his life, and it must continue giving him along gradually varied diet once they are providing dry foods.

• infant formula: usually Iatmayorma on cow's milk, which is the only alternative to breast milk used in the first 12 months of life Teflk.oimkn even when they could enter a normal cow's milk (12 per month) or beyond.

• Industrial milk is cow ': Use infant formula based on soy If your doctor advise you do just that. You may have children of children who are allergic to cow's milk allergic to soy as well.

• bovine milk: milk Bakraly that does not contain enough iron and other nutrients to meet the needs of the young child. It should not be given as a drink for babies until they are 12 months. It should be given whole milk for children up to

Inform the public, because they need the additional energy and vitamins in them. It can give milk partially when your baby is two years, as long as he eats well and has a varied diet. Not suitable for low-fat milk or that contains 1% fat children under the age of five, as it does not contain enough calories to Ahararah.balnsph Sslerahh, can be used as low-fat milk in cooking from the age of a year.

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• goats, sheep, and drinks made from oat milk: do not fit these drinks infants under one year because it does not contain iron and other nutrients needed by the infants. As long as they are pasteurized, it can be used when your baby is one year.

• rice drinks: Do not give young children (under age five) rice drinks because they contain arsenic Alaazavi.la not worry if your child was eating rice drinks just. There is no immediate danger to the child who had consumed rice beverages, and it is unlikely that there will be any adverse effects on her long-term. But to avoid eating any of inorganic arsenic more, you should stop giving rice drinks and switching to a different type of milk.

• milk "Good Night" does not fit the babies who are less than six months. You can start using it after this age, but you do not have it as long as there is no proven health benefits compared to using infant formula.

• Water: Do not need breast-feeding altogether to any water even start eating dry food. Children who are fed with a bottle of some extra water in hot weather may need. For infants less than six months, use the water from the main tap in the kitchen that has been boiled and then cooled. Water does not need the largest of six months for babies to boiling. Not recommended to use bottled water to prepare meals and baby formula, where they are not sterile and may contain a lot of salt (sodium) or sulfates. If you had bottled water use in bottles to prepare the meal, summon food label to make sure that the level of sodium (He also writes NA) of less than 200 milligrams (mg) per liter, and the content of sulfate (also writes SO or SO4) is not higher than 250 mg per liter . Bottled water is not in sterile bottles, so you'll need, such as boiled tap water before using it to prepare a meal. Use boiling water at a temperature of 70 ° C at least, but remember that Nbarda meal before giving it to the child.

• fruit juices: fruit juices, such as orange juice or grapefruit juice, are a good source of vitamin C. But, also contain sugars and natural acids, which can cause Alosinan.la decay should be given to children under six months, the age-old fruit juices . Can be given fruit juice diluted (1 percent juice and 10 percent water) for kids with their meals after six months. It could help given the meals to prevent tooth decay time.

• pumpkin, flavored milk, fruit and soft drinks, sugary drinks: Not suitable for children Alsgar.thtoa these drinks and sugar can cause tooth decay even when ease. For older children and toddlers, can drinks lead to loss of appetite, weight gain limited to, diarrhea in children who are learning to walk. Even drinks containing artificial sweeteners can encourage children to develop a love of sweets. If you want to give your pumpkin, flavored milk and juice drinks, keep it for the time of meals, and make sure they are well watered and her feet are always in a cup-feeding instead of bottle. Soft drinks acidic and can damage tooth enamel and therefore should not be given to infants and young children. Not recommended diet drinks a few sugar for infants and young children Ooualemhrobat. If you give your child Concentrated drinks containing saccharin (a kind of sweeteners), Khvver well (at least 10 percent of the water to 1 percent of the local brew).

• Child and herbal drinks: These are usually contain sugars and are not recommended.

• Hot drinks: Do not fit the tea and coffee infants or children Alsgar.vanha can reduce the amount of iron that has been
And cups for children - drinks Reviewed by الحدث نيوز on 06:02 Rating: 5

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