Pill Albroujstugenih
Do not use grain Albroujstugenih estrogen, sometimes called mini pill. Find out how this method of
contraception, and side effects.
Women can endure if the sperm of a man reached into one of its eggs (egg). Trying to contraceptives to stop this from happening by keeping the eggs and sperm are spaced or by turning off the production of eggs. One of the methods of contraception is a pill Albroujstugenih.
Glance: pill Albroujstugenih
How it works?
Who are who can be addressed
What do you do if I forget the pill
Advantages and disadvantages
Albroujstugen contain hormone but does not contain estrogen.
You must be taking the pill Albroujstugenih at the same time or close to it in advance of each day.
Thickening pill Albroujstugenih cervical mucus, which prevents sperm pass through it and reach the egg. It can also stop ovulation, depending on the type of pill that Albroujstugenih consider taking.
A glance: Facts about the pill Albroujstugenih
• can be effective by more than 99% if dealt with properly. This means that less than 1 in 100 of the women taking the pill Albroujstugenih as a means of contraception will become Hawwamla within one year.
•'re taking pills every day, with no break between cereal boxes.
• can be used pill Albroujstugenih by women they can not use contraceptives containing estrogen, for example, women who suffer from high blood pressure, blood clots past or suffer from overweight.
• You can contraceptive pills Taatnola Albroujstugenih if you smoked more than 35 years and age.
• You should be taking the pill Albroujstugenih at the same time each day - may not be effective if you delay taking it for more than three hours (or delayed 12 hours if you're taking Sarazet).
• may not work pill Albroujstugenih If you're sick (vomiting) or suffer from severe diarrhea.
• Some medications may affect the effectiveness of birth control pills Albroujstugenih - ask for details from the doctor.
• menstruation may stop or have become less abundant, irregular, or more frequently.
• Side effects may include Tbakaa in the skin and pain Baltda- should these symptoms disappear within a few months.
• Do not protect the pills Albroujstugenih pregnancy sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It will help you use a condom with birth control Albroujstugenih pregnancy to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
How pills work to prevent pregnancy Albroujstugenih
How to prevent pregnancy
Albroujstugenih use contraception pills
Start taking the first box of cereal
How to prevent pregnancy
Pills work to prevent pregnancy Albroujstugenih to increase the thickness of the mucosa of the cervix where it becomes difficult for sperm to cross into the uterus and reach the egg.
Work stops sometimes Albroujstugenih grain type, it may also prevent ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary each month). Stop Dessugrettil pills (pill with 12 hours, such as Sarazet) launch the process of the eggs in 97% of the monthly sessions. This means that if you are using a Albroujstugenih grain of 12 hours, it will not launch an egg in 97 out of 100 cycle.
Use of oral contraceptives Albroujstugenih
There are two different types of grain Albroujstronah:
• grain must be taken Albroujstugenih of three hours within three hours of the same time every day. Examples: Maikaronon, Nordi, Norjiston and Vemulin.
• it must be taken with a grain Albroujstugenih 12 hours (Sarazet) within 12 hours of the same time every day.
It is important that to tracking the instructions that come with a box pill because the pill forgotten or taken with other drugs may reduce the effectiveness.
There are 28 pills in Albroujstugenih grain tray. It should be dealt with one pill every day, within three hours or twelve hours of the same time every day, according to the kind you eat. There is no break between cereal boxes at the end of the first enclosure Stbdian address the following canister directly into the next day.
Start taking the first box of cereal
• Choose the appropriate time of day for the first Taatnola Hpetk.
• followers eat the pill at the same time every day until the can end.
• Start address the following box of cereal in the next day. There is no break between cereal boxes.
You can start taking pills to prevent pregnancy Albroujstugenih at any time of the menstrual cycle. Gonna grains if you start taking it in one day of the menstrual cycle (the first day of menstruation) and you'll be protected from conception. You will not Thtagy for additional means of preventing pregnancy.
You will be protected from conception Mbama began eating pills Albroujstugenih on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle or before (the fifth day after the onset of menstruation or before) you will be protected from pregnancy occurs immediately unless the cycle of monthly short (it happens menstruation have every 23 days or Less). If your period is short, you will need an additional means of contraception such as a condom, even spends seven days to begin Eating grain.
Being not protected from pregnancy occurs immediately if you begin to take a pill Albroujstugenih on any other day of your course, you will need additional means to prevent pregnancy until two days goes to begin Eating grain.
After having a baby
If you recently had a baby, you can start taking the pill Albroujstugenih day 21 after birth. We will provide you protection directly from the occurrence of pregnancy.
If you start eating pills Albroujstugenih after more than 21 days after birth, you will need an additional means of contraception (such as condoms) until the day goes on you start taking pills.
After an abortion
If newly aborted, you can start taking the pill Albroujstugenih after abortion and up to 5 five days of it, and will you are protected from pregnancy occurs immediately.
If you start eating pills after more than five days after the abortion, use additional means of contraception even spend two days on the start Eating pill.
What are you doing if I forget pill
If you forget to Taatnola grain Albroujstugenih, it depends what you got to do to:
• cereal you eat Type
• time ever forget the pill and the number of pills that addressed Forgot
• If you've had sex without using other means to prevent pregnancy during the previous seven days
If you delay to less than three hours, or less than 12 hours taking the pill
If you're taking the pill Albroujstugenih of three hours and delayed less than three hours to take the pill, or if you're taking the pill Albroujstronah 12-hour delayed less than 12 hours to eat the pill:
• Eat the pill, which delayed taking it as soon Taatzkrenha.
• Eat remaining grain as usual, even if it means eating Hptin on the same day
It will remain effective pill and you'll be protected from conception - no need to use additional means of contraception. Do not worry if you've had sex without using other means of contraception. You need to ambulatory means of contraception.
If you delay eating the pill more than three hours or more than 12 hours
If you're taking the pill Albroujstugenih of three hours and delayed taking it for more than three hours, or you're taking the pill Albroujstugenih 12-hour delayed taking it for more than 12 hours, it will not Being protected from conception.
You must use additional means of contraception, such as condoms, for the next two days after forgetting pill.
You must:
• Take the pill that you forget it directly (if you forget more than a grain, eat one pill only)
• Take the next pill at the usual time
Forget about the pill may mean eating Hptin on the same day, according to the time that my ticket by the pill (one at a time I remembered him and the other in the usual time), or at the same time.
Use additional means of contraception, such as condoms, for the next two days after taking the pill that you forget it because you will not Being protected from conception.
Vomiting and diarrhea
If you vomit within two hours of taking the pill Albroujstugenih it may not have been completely absorbed into the bloodstream. Eat another pill immediately, and the next pill at the usual time.
If you do not Taatnola replace them within three hours (or 12 hours of birth control with a 12-hour pregnancy) than usual time, use additional contraceptive pregnancy, such as condoms, for two days.
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If you are still sick, followers use another method to prevent pregnancy and you're sick for two days after recovery.
It could mean a very severe diarrhea (watery bowel movements from six to eight times in 24 hours) and also that the pill does not work properly. Followers eating grain as usual, but Use additional means of contraception, such as condoms, through injury diarrhea for two days after recovery.
Talk to your doctor if you are not sure whether or not you are protected from becoming pregnant, or if you are sick or diarrhea continued.
Who are who can eat grain Albroujstugenih?
Can most women use the pill Albroujstugenih. Could not you're able to use it if you have:
• heart disease
• liver disease.
• breast cancer
• cysts on the ovaries
• unexplained vaginal bleeding
If your health is good and there are no medical reasons prevent you from eating grain Albroujstugenih, you addressed until menopause or even 55 years of age becomes.
Albroujstugenih grains are considered safe to use if you are breast-feeding. Albroujstugen hormone may be transmitted in small amounts into breast milk, but it is not harmful to your child. Albroujstugenih prevent the load on the way in which the production of breast milk pills do not affect.
There are too small to become pregnant while taking the pill Albroujstugenih although it is highly unlikely prospect. There is no evidence that the grain harmful to the baby if it happened. If you think you might be pregnant, talk to your doctor or clinic Zori prevent local pregnancy.
Ask for medical advice if you experience sudden or unusual pain in the abdomen, or if menstruation is much shorter or lighter. It is possible that these are warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy, although this is rare.
Advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of the pill Albroujstugenih it:
• Do not interrupt sex
• You can use when breastfeeding
• useful if you can not eat the hormone estrogen, which is found in combined oral contraceptive pill, label contraceptives and vaginal ring
• You can use it at any age - even if you smoked more than 35 years, age
• To reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can (PMS) and painful menstrual periods
The disadvantages of the pill Albroujstugenih the following:
• your menses may not be steady while taking the pills Albroujstugenih - may be menstruation less abundant and more frequent or has completely stopped, it has spotted a bloody between menstrual periods happen
• Do not protect you Albroujstugenih grain of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs)
• You must remember dealt with in a specific time or close to it every day
• Some medicines can make them less effective, including certain types of antibiotics
The pills generally good Albroujstugenih endurance and side effects are rare. It could include some of the side effects:
• Acne
• Pain and enlargement of the breast
• Increase or decrease in libido (sex drive)
• Changes in mood
• headaches and migraines
• nausea or vomiting
• cysts (small fluid-filled sacs) on the ovaries (to be harmless and usually disappear without treatment)
• stomach disorders
• Increase in weight
These side effects are most likely to occur during the first few months of eating Albroujstugenih grain, but they generally improve with the passage of time and the effects should be stopped within a few months.
If you have any concerns about the pill, check with your doctor or practice nurse. Could you recommend a change to another type of grain or different means of contraception.
Taking the pill Albroujstugenih with other medications
When you're taking two or more drugs at the same time, the influence of one of these medications may be changed due to the other medicine. This is known as interference.
Some medications interact with the pill Albroujstugenih not working correctly. Some interactions are listed on this page but not the entire Menu- If you want to check your medications safely dealt with the pill Albroujstronah, you can:
• ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist trained
• Read the patient information leaflet that comes with the medicine
Can reduce antibiotic rifampicin and Rafabutin (which can be used to treat diseases including tuberculosis and meningitis) the effectiveness of the pill Albroujstugenih. Other antibiotics do not have this effect.
If you describe rifampicin or Rafabutin, you may need to download additional contraceptive (such as condoms) while taking antibiotics for a period of 28 days thereafter. Talk to your doctor or nurse for advice.
Epilepsy medicines and drugs for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and St John's wort
It can interfere pills prevent pregnancy Albroujstugenih with medicines called enzyme inducers. These drugs speed up the crash Albroujstugen by the liver, and reduces the effectiveness of the pills.
Examples of enzyme inducers include:
• epilepsy drugs: Carpamaziban, Ookscarpaziban, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone and Tobeeramat
• St John's wort (herbal) therapy
• antiretroviral used to treat HIV medicines (HIV) (research for the presence of interactions between these drugs and pills Albroujstugenih that can affect the safety and effectiveness of both) indicate.
You may advise your doctor or nurse using an alternative or additional form of contraception while taking any of these medicines.
Albroujstugenih pills risk
The pill Albroujstugenih very safe. However there are certain risks as is the case with the combined oral contraceptive pill. These small risks. The benefits outweigh the risks associated with grain Albroujstugenih taking it for most women.
Ovarian Cysts
It can be fluid-filled cysts on the ovaries of some women arise. These cysts are not dangerous and usually need to be removed. These cysts usually disappear without treatment. Cysts do not cause any symptoms, although some women suffer from pain in the pelvis.
breast cancer
Research the link between breast cancer and grains continue contraception Albroujstugenih. Research indicates high probability of diagnosis of breast cancer in women who use any means of hormonal contraceptives compared with women who do not use it. But the declining risk of breast cancer to the normal limit of 10 years after they stop taking the pills.
If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may feel that this increase the risk of injury (no matter how small) is not worth eating. However, doctors do not believe that the use of the pill is likely to increase the risk among women with Nsibat female relatives with breast cancer.
Pill Albroujstugenih
Reviewed by الحدث نيوز

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