Combined oral contraceptive pill

Know oral contraceptive pills vehicle (also called "grain"), including knowledge of how they work well,
where to get them, and what do you do if you have    vomiting or diarrhea.
Pills called oral contraceptives composite grains usually only. Contain synthetic versions of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, two women, the ovaries produce them naturally.
Glance: combined oral contraceptive pill
How pills work to prevent pregnancy vehicle
What are you doing if Forgot what pill
Who are who can eat cereal vehicle
Advantages and Disadvantages
The risks of combined oral contraceptive pill
Women can afford if the sperm of a man reached into one of its eggs (egg). Trying to contraceptives stop the process occurring by maintaining the eggs and sperm are spaced or by stopping the production of eggs. One way to prevent pregnancy is common grains.
Inhibit hormones in the ovaries grain from the launch of the egg (ovulation). Also make the arrival of sperm to the egg is a difficult task, or make it difficult for an egg to implant themselves in the lining of the uterus. Usually taking a pill to prevent pregnancy, but it can also be used to treat painful menstruation, heavy menstruation, premenstrual syndrome and endometriosis.
Profile: Grain vehicle
• The grain effective contraception is greater than 99% rate when taken properly. This means that less than 1 in 100 women who are users of grain vehicle as a means of contraception Christmln within one year.
• You need to take pills every day for 21 days, NATIONAL then stop it for seven days, and during this week will have menstruation. Then Start cereal grains again after seven days.
• You need to eat grains at the same time each day. Pregnancy can happen to you if you do not evaluating it, or if I forget the pill, or under any circumstances occurring vomiting and severe diarrhea.
• If you have heavy menstrual periods, or painful, it can be common for pills help.
• minor side effects include mood swings, pain in the breast and headache.
• There is no evidence on the effect of the pill on increasing women's weight.
• There is a very low risk of serious side effects such as blood clots and cancer of the cervix.
• grain vehicle is not suitable for women smokers over age 35, or women who suffer from certain medical conditions.
• Do not protect the pills from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so the use of condoms will help protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
How the vehicle operates grain
How to prevent pregnancy
Pills to prevent pregnancy single phase for 21 days
Pill multiple phases of pregnancy for 21 days
Pills daily pregnancy
How pills for 21 days
How daily grain intake (ED)
Start the vehicle with grain
Eating cereal boxes sequentially
How to prevent pregnancy
Prevent the grain from the ovaries release of an egg each month (ovulation). as well as:
• increase the thickness of the mucosa of the cervix, so it becomes difficult for the sperm to penetrate the womb and reach the egg
• decrease the thickness of the lining of the uterus, which reduces the chance implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus and its ability to grow.
Although there are many different varieties of grain, there are three main types:
Grain and single phase for 21 days
It is the most common type. Every pills contain the same amount of the hormone. One pill taken every day for 21 days and then it is stop eating grain in the next seven days. Maikarugenon, Brevienyor and Celeste are examples of this type of grain.
Polyphase grain for 21 days
Multi-grain phases containing two or three sections of different colored pills in the box. Each section contains a different amount of hormones. One pill taken daily for 21 days and then stop taking the pills during the next seven days. Pills must be taken to prevent multiple phases of pregnancy in the correct order. Banobom and Ugenon are examples of this type of grain.
Pills daily load (ED)
There are 21 active pills and 7 pills ineffective (fake) in the box. These two types of grain are different from each other appears. One pill taken every day for 28 days without a break between the cans. Daily grain must be taken in the correct order. Maikarugenon daily and daily Ugenon are examples of this type of grain.
Follow the instructions that come with your caddy. If you have any questions about how the pills, ask your doctor or nurse or trained pharmacist. It is important to taking the pill, according to the instructions, because forgetting pills or taken in conjunction with certain medications may make them less effective.
How pills for 21 days
• Take the first pill of the box that holds the correct day of the week, or the first pill from the first grain color (multi-phase pills).
• followers eat cereal every day at the same time until the can end.
• Stop taking the pill for seven days (during these seven days of menstruation will happen).
• Begin following Baalpetk on the eighth day, whether you do not Tsalyn bleed or not. This should be in the same day of the week also dealt with the first pill.
How to take pills daily pregnancy
• Eat the first pill of the box portion labeled "the beginning." This will be effective pill.
• followers taking the pill in the correct order, preferably at the same time every day, to finish the enclosure (28 days).
• bleeding will happen to you during the seven days of taking dummy pills.
• Start eating following your can of grain after the completion of the first enclosure, whether you Tsalyn bleed or not.
Vehicle start taking pills
Most women can begin to eat cereal at any time of the menstrual cycle. There are special directions if you've recently given birth to a baby boy, or abortion happened. You may need to use additional means to prevent pregnancy during the first days of eating cereal and this depends on the time of the menstrual cycle, which Bdota to cereal grains.
If Bdota cereal grains in the first day of menstruation (the first day of the menstrual cycle), you'll be protected from pregnancy occurs directly. You will not Thtagy for additional means of preventing pregnancy.
If Bdota cereal grains on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle or so ago, stay here protected from pregnancy occurs directly, unless the menstrual cycle short (menstruation occurs every 23 days or less). If your period is short, you'll need for additional means of preventing pregnancy, such as condoms, even spend seven days on the intake of the pills.
If Bdota eating grain on any other day of your course you will not Being protected from direct pregnancy, you'll need to download an additional means of preventing even spend seven days on the intake of the pills.
Cans eating pills prevent pregnancy sequentially
You can start taking a new box of cereal composite single-phase (all grains have the same color and contain the same amount of hormones) naturally immediately after the previous enclosure, for example if you want to delay menstruation for a holiday.
But Do not take more than two packs together, unless your doctor or nurse so. Early bleeding can occur when you have to get rid of the lining of the uterus gradually. Some women also feel bloating if consumed several cans of grain together.
What are you doing if Forgot pill
If Forgot pill or several pills or eating Bdota caddy late, this may make the pill less effective prevention of the occurrence of pregnancy. The possibility of pregnancy after forgetting the pill or more of the pills depends on:
• Forget about the timing of grain
• The number of pills that you forget it
He is late taking the pill when they forget dealt with in the usual time. We've just Nestea pill when it spends more than 24 hours after the time of administration. Forget one pill anywhere in your can Owaltokhr for one day to start a new mailbox is not a problem, it will be protected not Tsalyn of a pregnancy (known as the existence of contraceptives) cover.
However, forgetting Hptin or more pills or late to start eating new enclosure for two days or more (delay of more than 48 hours) may affect contraception have cover. In particular, if you make the seven-days-free grain longer Bnsyank for two or more pills, you may ovaries launch the egg becomes Htak risk of pregnancy. This is because the ovaries have not been subject to the impact of the pill during the break for seven days.
If you forgotten me a grain of cereal, Follow the tips below. If you are not sure what to do, Keep cereal grains and use another method of contraception such as condoms, and ask for advice as soon as possible.
If Nestea one pill, anywhere in the package:
• Eat Now the last pill that you forget it, even if it meant eating Hptin in one day
• followers eat the rest of the pack as usual
• You do not need to use additional means of contraception, such as condoms
• Take the free grain break for seven days as usual
If Forgot Hptin or more of the grain (Tokhrta eating the pill for more than 48 hours) anywhere in the box:
• Eat Now the last pill that you forget it, even if it means eating Hptin in one day
• Leave any pills forgotten earlier
• followers eat the rest of the pack as usual and use additional means of contraception for the next seven days
• You may need a means of preventing pregnancy ambulatory
• You may need to start following the enclosure of the pills without a break (Look start following the pack after forgetting Hptin or more of the grain)
You may need to contraceptives ambulatory If sex is practiced unsafe in the previous seven days, and Forgot Hptin Oookther (Tokhrta to take the pill more than 48 hours) in the first week of the enclosure.
Ask for advice from your doctor or pharmacist about it.
Start taking following the enclosure after forgetting Hptin or more
If seven or more pills left in the enclosure after the last pill you've forgotten:
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• that the intake of the enclosure
• Take the usual break for seven days
If there are less than seven pills remaining in the canister after the last pill you've forgotten:
• that the enclosure and begin a new mailbox the next day, without an interruption
Vomiting and diarrhea
If you vomit within two hours of eating composite grains, it may not have been completely absorbed into the bloodstream. Take another pill immediately, and the next pill at the usual time.
If you are still sick, followers use another form of contraception during the illness and for two days after recovery.
It could mean a very severe diarrhea (watery bowel movements from six to eight times in 24 hours) that the pill does not work properly, too. Followers eating grain as usual, but Use additional means of contraception, such as condoms, through injury diarrhea for two days after recovery.
Talk to your doctor for more information, or if fatigue and diarrhea continued.
The ones who are able to use the grain complex
If you're not a chimney and there is no medical reasons to prevent intake of cereals, grains you can eat until you arrive at menopause. However, the grain is not suitable for all women. Talk to your doctor or nurse trained or pharmacist to see if the grain is suitable for you.
Must not Taatnola grain if you:
• pregnant
• chimney, age 35 years or more
• stopped smoking less than one year before the age of 35 years or more
• suffer from severe weight gain
•'re taking certain medications (Ask your doctor about this)
You should not also eat the grain if you have now (or earlier):
• clotting blood (blood clot)
• abnormalities in the heart or heart disease, including high blood pressure
• severe headache, migraine, especially when aura symptoms (warning)
• breast cancer
• liver disease or bitterness
• diabetes with complications or diabetes over the past 20 years
After having a baby
If you recently had a baby and breastfeed your baby from the breast, you can start taking pills per day 21 after birth. You will provide direct prevention of pregnancy. If you've started eating the grain after 21 days of delivery you will need an additional means of contraception (such as condoms) for the next seven days.
If you breastfeed your baby from the breast and the age of less than six months, it can reduce grain intake of milk flow you have. It is recommended to use a different way to prevent pregnancy up to stop breastfeeding.
After Abortion
If abortion happens, you can start taking pills until five days after the abortion, will you are protected from pregnancy occurs directly. If you start eating pills after more than five days after the abortion, you will need to use additional means of contraception until after 7 days to start taking it.
Advantages and disadvantages
Some of the advantages of the pills include contraception as follows:
• Do not interfere with sex
• make menstruation have a regular habit, less abundant and painful
• reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, uterine and colon
• can reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
• can relieve acne sometimes
• It may protect against pelvic infections
• It may reduce the risk of fibroids, ovarian cysts and breast disease is cancer
Some disadvantages include contraceptive pills include:
• can cause temporary side effects at first, such as headache, nausea, pain in the breast, and mood swings - if these symptoms did not disappear after a few months, it helps Nnol different pills so
• can increase blood pressure
• Do not provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases
• Early menstruation and blood spots two things are common in the first few months of use of oral contraceptives
• grain was linked to an increased risk of some serious health conditions such as thrombosis (blood) clots and breast cancer
Combined oral contraceptive pill with other drugs
Some medications interfere with the composite grains, do not work properly. Some interactions are listed on this page but not the entire list. If you want to check whether your medicines safe handling of the vehicle with the grain, you can:
• ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist trained
• Read the patient information leaflet that comes with the medicine
Can reduce antibiotic rifampicin and Rafabutin (which can be used to treat diseases including tuberculosis and meningitis) of composite grains effective. Other antibiotics do not have this effect.
If you describe rifampicin or Rafabutin, you may need a means to prevent additional load (such as condoms) while taking antibiotics. Talk to your doctor or nurse for advice.
Epilepsy drugs and HIV, and St John's wort
Can of beans vehicle interfere with medicines called enzyme inducers. These drugs speed up the liver to break down progesterone, and reduce the effectiveness of the grain.
Examples of enzyme inducers include:
• epilepsy drugs: Carpamaziban, Ookscarpaziban, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone and Tobeeramat
• St John's wort (herbal) therapy
• antiretroviral used to treat HIV medicines (HIV) (research for the presence of interactions between these drugs and pills Albroujsteronih that can affect the safety and effectiveness of both) indicate.
You may advise your doctor or nurse using an alternative or additional method of contraception while taking any of these medicines.
Taking combined oral contraceptive pill risk
There are some risks associated with using composite grains. But these small risks, and the benefits outweigh the risks of oral contraceptives for most women.
Blood clots
It may cause estrogen found in grain clot more easily blood. If the blood clot occurred may cause clots in deep veins (blood clot in the leg), pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung), stroke or cardiac arrest that the risk of stroke, blood is very small, but it will come to your doctor before prescribing pills as if you have some risk factors that make you more susceptible to it.
Grain can be taken with caution if you have one of the risk factors below, but you do not need to be addressed if you have two or more risk factors. Risk factors include:
• age 35 years or more
• chimney or Oqotai smoking during the past year
• severe weight increase (usually outweigh the benefits of taking pills to prevent pregnancy in women who risk to have a body mass index (BMI) 35 or more)
• The existence of migraine (must not Taatnola grain if you suffer from severe and regular attacks of migraines, especially if you Baloorh or you may also have warning signs before the attack)
• you have high blood pressure
• you have a blood clot or a previous stroke
• have a close relative suffering from blood clot when he was younger than 45 years old
• inability to move for a long time, for example in a wheelchair or have a leg, forcing
Studies are still continuing in the search for the relationship between breast cancer and the pill. Research indicates that the chance of diagnosis of breast cancer is slightly higher among women who use all types of hormonal contraceptives compared with women who do not use it. But the declining risk of breast cancer to normal 10 years after they stop taking the pills.
Research has also suggested a link between the grain and the risk of cervical cancer and liver cancer is rare. However progress pill some protection from the occurrence of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.
Combined oral contraceptive pill Reviewed by الحدث نيوز on 14:39 Rating: 5

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