The first child to dry food
Get advice on weaning, including when the child begins to dry foods, what are Gavhh foods that you can give it to them when you give them dry materials before six months of age.
Dry foods begin making time
You must start your child on the definition of dry food, it is often called weaning food, when your child is around the age of six months.
The discovery of new flavors and in contact with your child is an important step in the evolution and nothing holds great fun.
In the beginning, it is the amount by which your child's intake is lower for accustom him to the idea of the importance of eating.
But they are still dependent in most fed on mother's milk or infant formula. Where babies do not need to start with three meals a day, and so you can begin making foods at a time that works for both.
You will be able to gradually increase the amount of food and covered by your child so that he can eventually eat the same food you eat rest of the family diversity, but smaller quotas.
Research shows that children need only to breast milk or infant formula during the first six months of their life time.
This will give your child's digestive system time to evolve so acclimate fully with solid foods. This includes solid foods mashed and mixed with cereal with milk.
The importance of waiting until the child is ready
And if you breastfeed naturally, the feeding your baby only breast milk to about six months will give him additional protection against infection, and will continue to protect them as long as Twasalin it.
Whether your child is fed on breast milk or infant formula, the wait until your child is ready for the food saves a lot of time, too, because it will be able to feed himself with less clutter, and will be able to swallow properly.
Three signs that your child is ready to eat his food first
Every child is a unique person, but there are three clear signs, taken together, that your child is ready to Gamdhh foods besides breast milk or infant formula. It is very rare that these signs appear before the baby is six months old.
You can stay in a sitting position and install the head.
He can coordinate the movement of his eyes and his hands and his mouth so that he can look at the food, and carried his hand and put it in his mouth by himself.
It can swallow food. If the child is not willing to pay Vsicom his food out of his mouth, where there is food on his face more than it enters the mouth.
Some signs that can be mixing it for a child is ready to eat dry foods:
• chewing Hand
• waking up in the night after falling asleep
• a desire for more meals milk
This is normal behavior and not necessarily a sign of hunger, or a sign that the child is ready to start eating Gav.ln makes you start eating solid foods the child slept more during the night. Usually sufficient additional feedings until the child is ready to eat other food items.
• Always stay with your child when eating because the anticipation begins to suffocate.
• Let your child enjoy touching and holding food.
• Allow your child to eat Npfsh, using his fingers, once showing interest in it.
• Do not Tghebre your baby, wait for the next time if it is not interested this time around.
• If you are using a spoon, you should wait until your baby opens his mouth before you offer him food. Your child may also wish to constipate spoon.
• Start by providing a few pieces or a few teaspoons of food, once a day.
• Brady hot food and national testing before giving it to your child.
• Do not add salt or sugar cubes or chicken broth to your baby's food or cooking water.
Tips on foods that can be given to your child during its growth
Until 6 months of age
Breast milk or infant formula. Milk is not a "CMOS" appropriate for infants less than six months old, and it is not necessary to be submitted after six months as well.
Gavhh provide food six months ago: If you decide after checking the health visitor or doctor, to provide dry foods before the age of six months, you should avoid giving the child certain foods because they may cause food allergies or make your child sick.
These foods include wheat, gluten, nuts, peanuts, beans Sudanese products, seeds, liver, eggs, fish, shellfish, cow's milk and soft cheese is pasteurized.
After 6 months of age
First foods: can include first foods covered by your child's mashed or cooked fruit and vegetables such as parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, apples or pears, that all be refrigerated before eating. Or fresh fruit such as peaches, watermelon, ripe bananas or avocados and soft mashed foods or made in the form of fingers. Or children or children rice cereal mixed with the usual baby milk. Follower feed him breast milk or infant formula as well, but do not give him the full cow's milk until they reach a year old.
The following foods: soft cooked meat such as chicken, fish, mashed (Hadhira having any bones), pasta, noodles, toast, lentils, rice, mashed boiled eggs. As well as full-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt or fruit-flavored custard (choose sugar-free or containing less sugar products). You can also use cow's milk in cooking or mixed with food after the age of six months.
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Cup: the feet of the cup at about the age of six months and give him sips of water with meals. The use of open cup or glass valve without your child learn how to resorption of fluid and is the best of the teeth.
Always read more about the drinks and cups for babies and children.
8-9 months
At this time your child will tend gradually to eat three meals a day. It will be a mix of foods made in the form of soft fingers, mashed and chopped foods.
You must be your child's diet consists of a variety of the following categories of food: fruits, vegetables, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, foods and other starchy; meat, fish, eggs, pulses and other sources of protein is derived from milk, milk and dairy products.
Always read more about the understanding of the food groups.
Of the month 12
Will deal with your child at this stage, three meals a day, chopped if necessary, in addition to breast milk or cow's milk full and healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetable sticks, toast and rice cakes.
Now you can drink a full cow's milk. Choose whole-fat dairy products for children under the age of two need additional fats and vitamins in them. At the age of two, if your child eat well and grow well it could be dealing with low-fat milk in part. From the age of five years, the child becomes able to eat a little milk fat that contains 1% fat.
You can give your child:
• 4-3 servings a day of starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice
• 4-3 servings a day of fruits and vegetables
• two meals a day of meat, fish, eggs, beans wayward or other legumes (beans and lentils)
Any type of milk and when?
You must feed your baby breast milk or infant formula only for the first six months about. Use infant formula, which relies on soy if the doctor advise you do just that. Milk supplementing types of adults to children more than six months are available but there is no need to change it. Cow's milk can be mixed with food from the age of six months and can give full of cows drink milk from the age of a year.
No need for infant formula, milk or milk supplementing growth as soon as your baby is no longer 12 month goat's milk and sheep's milk as a drink suitable for babies under the age of a year and the rice syrup is not suitable as a drink for children under the age of five.
Tips to encourage your child to explore the foods
• eating healthy children loved the food we grow accustomed to it, and so you have your child grants, healthy and different food as much as you can - this way will continue to be addressed during its growth. What usually is fantastic is that you get to take care of and usually are likely to make your life easier when your child grows up. Also, do not give your child foods or drinks that contain added sugar, or salty food or fatty, because that would make him want this type of food when he grows up.
• Gavhh foods and milk. Whenever your child is accustomed to eating dry food more, it may wish to less milk at each feed, or even leave the milk completely. Infants should be fed breast milk (or infant formula) for at least the first year, and can continue to take breast milk as long as it is suitable for the mother and the child together. Of the month 12 becomes a cow's milk as a beverage main well. No need to baby milk, or milk or milk supplementing growth once the child reaches 12 months.
• Take time. Avshei plenty of time to eat, especially in the beginning. It can lead to pay your child and force him to the problems. You cope with your child's pace and stop when your child shows you that you may eat enough.
• the case in a mess. It may be the case in the chaos of you, this is an important part of your child's growth. You may want to cover the floor mat or newspaper protective to make cleaning easier.
• scientific and ate together. The child imitating their parents and other children and so you can help him to eat healthier food. Children enjoy watching the mother and are eat, learn from being a part of the family at mealtime. Forearms to join the family by talking with him and give him food when dealing with the rest of the family members of the food. It makes meals at the same time every day it easy for your child to know when you are expected to eat.
• foods made in the form of fingers. Let your child's eating himself by his fingers. In this way the child can tell you the amount that you want to eat, it is also his familiarity with the different types of food. And make eating more enjoyable, too. As a measure, the best finger food are to be cut into pieces large enough to be maintained by the child in his grip, highlights of which are the highest in the hand. Is the piece that the size of your finger occasion.
• What is the right amount? Most children know when they shall be satisfied, so do not MAKE your child finish a meal when he does not want it. Will suit frequent meals, younger and healthy snacks child better when the old smaller. Do not worry if your child does not eat too much at a meal or a day, is what to eat during the week even more important.
• home-made foods are best. Homemade food consists of simple ingredients without added sugar or Mlh.imkn keeping unused food in the fridge or freezer. All you have to do after that is to heat the quantity that you need. This helps in getting used to the child on the family food and saves money.
• sealed or canned food. Baby food can be useful in a jar or a box, but the size of the quota is often very large and many of them have the same textures. Which may make it difficult for your child to accept the food of Qguamat variety and the transition to a food family when he grows up. Jars useful when you do not have a lot of time or if you want to go out with your child.
• Sit up straight. Make sure that your child is sitting up straight so that it is able to discover the best foods with less likely because the choking.
• the feet of different foods. The kids loved to choose for themselves, and sometimes take their time to get used to different foods, so my feet in a small amount many times to allow your him familiarize yourself with
the new foods gradually.
The first child to dry food
Reviewed by الحدث نيوز

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